Large volumetry capacitive storage

Since the end of 2015, we have been offering a storage service for scientific research data that is durable, efficient, secure, and close to our computing infrastructures.
This storage is accessible from our supercomputers (hybrid cluster and OpenStack cloud) via redundant 10Gb/s to 100Gb/s links and from the Internet via a Renater 10Gb/s link dedicated to the Mesocentre.


These infrastructures are financed by any entity (laboratory, research team, etc.) with significant storage volume needs.

The minimum storage volume is 80 useful TB (which can be shared by several financing projects, the space then being distributed according to the respective financing).
It is also possible to opt for a remote replica (offsite) for this service.

Several laboratories have already invested in this platform for a useful storage volume of 5.9 PB!

For more information, contact us at hpcuniv-lillefr.